
“Tug of War”

blog picture tug of war

 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.

I prayed to the Lord to day to ask Him what we need to hear. We have touched on what to do with worries, but He wants us to learn a bit more.

One thing we have all done is play “tug of war” with the Lord. We pray “Lord, I give you all my problems.” Then the next day we take back the worry and worry about it again. We say “Here Lord, I know you can take care of this” but a few minutes later we try to figure out what to do ourselves. We go back and forth with the Lord. This should not be!

It is better to see the problem solved by the Lord in our mind. If praying for a loved one who is unsaved, picture them lifting their hands in worship to the Lord. I did this for years for my Dad. I stopped thinking of how he was not saved, and started thinking how great it was going to be when he was saved. He did get saved after many years and it was a terrific miracle by the Lord. During those years before he made Jesus his Lord I did not feel any anguish over my Dad’s spiritual condition. I kept picturing him saved. I had prayed that the Lord not let him die unless he was saved.

It finances are a problem ask the Lord to pay all your bills and then picture all your bills “Paid in Full”. If you are sick pray for healing then picture yourself well – maybe dancing before the Lord. He is able. Leave it to Him.

Jesus is Lord!