
It’s Mostly About Grazing

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Psalm 23:1-2

It’s mostly about grazing

I have read the Good Shepherd Psalm – Psalm 23, hundreds of times. I even read a book about taking care of sheep so I could understand it a little better. It didn’t help much. But finally one day I got some light from the Lord. The Lord spoke to me quietly while I was thinking about the psalm “it’s mostly about grazing”. In my minds eye I could see a beautiful meadow with a lovely small lake. I watched the sheep graze quietly by the dark blue, quiet water.  I could see the Shepherd standing nearby with his rod ready to beat off any predators, his staff ready to pull back any wayward sheep, vigilantly scanning the meadow for any sign of danger. The sheep were enjoying the grass, the sunshine, and the cool water to drink.

I always have to ask how things affect me personally. The Lord showed me that he leads me to the cool water. My job is to drink.  He leads me to the green grass. My job is to eat and trust in my Shepherd. His job is to guard and lead us. My job is to follow. [Read more…]