
Learning How to Trust

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5, 6.

blog picture woman hangingA few months ago I was going through a really hard time. A family member had been diagnosed with cancer. She is one of the kindest people I know.  I prayed, but I did not seem to be getting the breakthrough I needed.  So I asked the Lord to help me. Actually, it was more like “Help me Lord! Lord, help me! Help me Lord!” As always He was quick to show me the problem.

Here is what He showed me: I had faith in him as Lord but I was having trouble trusting Him. I believed that Jesus is the Son of God, raised from the dead but I was not trusting Him to help us. I know that sounds stupid, but I had my trust in her doctors.

While I was at prayer, the Lord showed me that I was like a person hanging from the ledge of a building. On one of my hands was written Faith and on the other hand was Trust. In my minds eye I could see Jesus coming to rescue me. “Give me your hand” he said. Dangling from the ledge of the building I pried my “Faith hand” off the ledge and lifted it towards Jesus. “Now give me your other hand.” I could hear him saying in my heart. “Oh no”, I responded. “I’m hanging on to this building.” After a bit I finally realized that I was going to go nowhere, unless I gave him my “Trust hand” also. I could feel the gritty brick under my hand as I reluctantly reached up to the Lord. He quickly took my hands and pulled me up over the ledge. I was ashamed. I told the Lord I was so sorry. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5, 6.  [Read more…]


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10


The Road to Forgiveness

Mark 11:24, 25. “I tell you you can pray for anything, and if you believe you’ve received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so your father in heaven will forgive your sins too.”

When I was still a new Christian the Lord began to deal with me about unforgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the basic rungs of the ladder on our journey to become more like Jesus, and I had still not put my foot on that rung.

road-to-foregivenessWe had a neighbor who was making our lives miserable. The Lord showed me that I had pray for him. I was incredulous. “What!? Me pray for him?” That did not seem fair to me, but the Lord kept after me. Finally, I started praying for him through gritted teeth. “Lord save him”, I prayed. Little by little it got easier. Eventually I started to enjoy praying for him. I started to pray for his family’s finances, his business, his health and his family’s salvation. [Read more…]


From the Christian Musical Drama – PARABLES

Full soundtrack available on Amazon


living a holy life