
Meet Lori Konrady

My biography

I was born in a small town in upstate New York and am the oldest of three children.  My mother often shared her love and trust in the Lord with me.  She frequently told me that the Lord was always with me and how to pray. The Lord pursued me throughout my childhood my teens and into my young adulthood. I finally responded Lord’s gentle wooing in my late 20s. When I made Jesus the Lord of my life it changed everything. My goals changed, my attitude changed, and my life changed all for the better.

When I got saved it was like the Lord uncorked the bottle that was my life and restored life, joy and peace came bursting out. It was joyful. I fell in love with my Savior.

The Lord has seen me through a house fire, divorce and job loss. He has restored my home, marriage and given me new jobs and my ministry. He has been so very good to me.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of teaching multiple Bible studies, doing inner city outreach, and providing a bible study and worship service to a medium security prison. Later, after being encouraged by the Lord, I wrote Christian evangelical commercials for local TV and radio. Later I started writing musical plays, songs and movie scripts. You can have a look at my website  to see some of my work.

Last year I published a new book entitled Walking with Jesus. I am offering a free digital copy of it to anyone who visits my website.

The Lord has blessed me with three wonderful, bright and beautiful children, six terrific grandchildren and a wonderful and devoted Christian husband.  I also have three small dogs.

My testimony:

It was a cold dark evening in February. In the weeks preceding I had been tentatively praying to the Lord.  Standing in the downstairs hall way, I had asked Him if he was “for real”.  He responded. From that moment I felt the Lord’s tugging on my heart. I went to the library and took out every book I could that was about praying and getting to know God. I finally came across one that said if you prayed this prayer it will change your life. It was the salvation prayer.

As I sat on my living room couch reading this prayer, I began to say it as quickly as I could. I even repeated it several times. Then I heard the Lord speak quietly to my heart say “slow down and really mean it”. So I did. It was “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner”. I got saved. I felt a golden light flood my body instantaneously. It was so strong I was almost knocked off my couch. Then I began to “pray the spirit of Jesus in the spirit of Lori”. I must explain at this point that I had nobody bringing me to Jesus. It was the Lord himself. I had no teachers. I had nobody evangelizing me. It was simply the Lord coming after me. I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I have not been the same since. Even my mother says so.

I have been falling deeper and deeper in love with the Lord since that day. And it has been my joy and consolation that through the ups and downs of my life that the Lord has always been with me always helped me, always comforted me. He is the love of my life.